President Ford eNewsletter Issue 1
February 4, 2013
are powerful things. We resolve as individuals to lose weight, spend
more time with our families, or learn a new skill. We strive to be
better than we were the year before in at least one recognizable way. We
endeavor to become the individuals we wish we were.
Organizations can make resolutions too.
The President Ford eNewsletter is the result of one of the resolutions our Field Service Council staff made at the start of this year to better communicate to YOU– our volunteers.
goal is to send out an issue of this eNewsletter every two weeks to
help keep everyone in our great Field Service Council informed of the
latest changes and happenings in our Council. Please continue to be
patient with us as we continue to learn to fully utilize all the
functions of the Michigan Scouting site and communication possibilities.
If you have comments or suggestions about this or future
communications- please let us know!
forward this email to all of the volunteers and parents in your unit
and encourage them to sign up to receive future communications from by clicking here!
as the staff of our Field Service Council have endeavored to better our
service to you, we hope you have taken some time this winter to work
through your unit's Journey to Excellence and identified
the areas your unit will improve in 2013. The next portion of the
eNewsletter will give you some other resolutions every unit should focus
Resolutions for Your Unit
Resolve to Help Raise the Funds to keep Scouting strong in Michigan
Almost 70% of units in the President Ford
Field Service Council have scheduled a Friends of Scouting Presentation
for their Pack, Troop, or Crew. If you are not sure if your unit is
scheduled, please take the time to fill out the form and email it to an Executive. Resolve to help the Council raise the money needed to keep Scouting strong in Michigan.
Resolve to Recruit more Youth to the FUN of Scouting!
Boy Scout Troops can recruit too! The Troops of Newaygo County are
not resting on their laurels waiting for Webelos to crossover. Bill
Fries of Troop 1129 has found great success using the methods laid out
by a fellow volunteer found here. Contact your Service Executive if you have questions or would like additional recruitment materials.
Resolve to Help Every Scout Attend Summer Camp
Join us at one of two Spring Popcorn Sale Kickoffs in Grand Rapids or Traverse City to learn how your Scouts can raise all the funds needed to pay for Summer Camp this year!
News Stories
District E-Newsletter Now Available!
Click for directions on how to sign up for the district E-newsletters.
The Silver Beaver Award was introduced in 1931 and is a
council-level distinguished service award of the Boy Scouts of
In November of last year, the Advancement Committee of the
President Gerald R. Ford Field Service Council developed a new paperwork
process for those Scouts approaching the rank of Eagle to best cope
with the new dynamic boundaries of the Field Service Council. Please
review these procedures and share with your Life Scouts.
What is BeAScout? BeAScout Allows parents and volunteers to find
Packs, Troops, and Crews in a particular neighborhood and obtain
information about Scouting opportunities. For BeAScout information to be
effective, Unit Leaders need to understand their role in the process.
This document explains the steps for the Unit Leaders to follow to keep
their Unit information current.
Lots of great ideas and tips here. But remember...
Camping News and Information
2013 Campership Application Now Available
The 2013 Michigan Crossroads Council Campership Application is now
available. Don't forget this year's application is due March 15th.
The Michigan Crossroads Outdoor Adventures Division now has Cub
Scout Camping Registration open for Cub Resident Camps and Webelos
Resident Camps for Camp Munhacke, Camp Greilick, Rota-Kiwan Scout
Reservation, D-A Scout Ranch, and Gerber's Betty Ford Adventureland.
The Michigan Crossroads Council is pleased to announce the
much-awaited release of online facility rental for our camp properties
accross the state from the convienence of your nearest computer!
The Michigan Crossroads Council Outdoor Adventures Team is pleased to announce the Boy Scout Summer Camp fees for 2013.
The lottery for 2014 high adventures at the Florida National High Adventure Sea Base opened...
Michigan Scouts in the News
Michigan House resolution passes to declare February 3-9, 2013 as Boy Scout Week
A resolution to declare February 3-9, 2013, as Boy Scout Week in the state of Michigan was passed.
From the February 2013 Boys Life edition. Life Scout David Vallem, a
member of Troop 4, chartered to First United Methodist Church, Ann
Arbor, Mich., received a Heroism Award for his actions.
In recognition of the long term partnership between the Michigan
Department of Natural Resources the Boy Scouts of America the Michigan
DNR offers to scouts a new awards program.
Join us and have the time of your life...
Upcoming Venturing Adult Leader Specific Trainings for 2013...
Venturers! We are planning a fun weekend for you at Scout Camp
Greilick! Programs are to Include (but not limited to): Team Building,
Winter Camping, HAM Radio, Climbing Tower, Rifle Shooting, Metal
Working, Dutch Oven Cooking, Conservation Project. March 15 – 17 at Camp
Greilick for a great time outdoors!!! Are you ready for a great time?
We hope to see you there in March!!!
President Ford Field Service Council Staff
The East Side Service Team - Eagle Spirit and Five Rivers Districts
The West Side Service Team - Lakeshore and Pere Marquette Districts
The North Area Service Team - Bay, North, and River Trails Districts
The Development Team
The Sales Team
Meet the Staff
issue of the President Ford Proclamation will end with a short
autobiography of one of our staff members. We begin our series with Dan
I am an East Coast kid at heart. My
spectacular parents were both in the Air Force (and are current Scout
volunteers) and we gradually moved along the coastline from North
Carolina to Boston. I like to say that I was a Cub Scout in Virginia and
Boy Scout in the great state of New Jersey. I loved Scouting as a youth
and earned the rank of Eagle Scout on September 11, 2001 in Troop 36 of
Mt Holly, NJ and my Vigil Honor a few years later. Besides the honors,
the experiences that made the most impact on me were those spent out in
the woods with my Troop - especially the week-long adventures at Scout
Camp. Our Troop attended a different camp every summer, and each year
was a truly great adventure! As an older Scout you truly learned a
larger sense of empathy towards the first year campers as every summer
was an exciting new learning experience.
I began
working for the Boy Scouts in 2009 for the Boston MInuteman Council. In
the fall of 2010, I moved to Traverse City and served the River Trails
District for two amazing years. I currently serve on the East Side
Service Team.
credit Scouting with making me the man I am today, and I chose this
career to help ensure that as many youth as possible experience the high
level of Scouting program that I was blessed to experience.
If you have read this far- THANK YOU! If you would like to assist with the President Ford communication efforts, please contact Dan Soszynski.
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